
Graphic design studio creative logo
Graphic design studio creative logo

graphic design studio creative logo

There are many cities around the world producing touristy merch, but few are as iconic as Milton Glaser’s 1976 “I Love New York” logo. Lindon Leader’s classic FedEx wordmark logo is famed for its hidden arrow between the “e” and “x,” referencing the fact that the company ships packages. The company has since embraced Rand’s vision for a playfully versatile design by incorporating a number of variations to the lettermark into its official logo style guide. The classic IBM lettermark designed by Paul Rand uses thin lines to represent the speed and efficiency of their computers. The abstract shapes of the Mastercard logo.With all that said, here are some of the best of each type of logo. What the following logos have in common is the way they have stood the test of time, either by the iconic designers who created them or through an effective rebranding campaign. And yet, there are some logos that always come up time and time again in these best-of conversations.

graphic design studio creative logo

In short, there are many winners in this arena.

graphic design studio creative logo

After all, there are so many businesses around the world and so many logos being designed every day to represent them. What constitutes the best logos of all time is a contentious topic. Whatever your approach, it is important to familiarize yourself with the underlying symbolism to make sure the logo is communicating the traits that you intend. It is also common to combine symbols, harnessing the power of compound meanings or creating a visual pun. Sometimes these images have built in cultural meanings-like a tree standing for growth or a fox implying wits-and sometimes they can create their own meaning-like the iconic Apple apple or Twitter bird. Pictorial logos are based on recognizable images, like people, animals or objects. There are two main types: pictorial and abstract. The advantage of a logomark is that it associates an image with your business, creating an easily-identifiable symbol. Here are the best logos to inspire you: The best logomark logosĪ logomark refers to a specific icon that accompanies the logo’s brand name. And to make this list manageable, we’ve grouped logos by type, so whether you’re looking for a striking symbol, a lovable mascot, or a classy monogram, we’ve got you covered. To this end, we dove deep into our design database and have gathered the 99 best logos created by our Top Level designers. For this last part, it helps to have some creative logo inspiration to reference when deciding what shape your own logo should take. Getting a logo designed involves a deep understanding of your brand and audience and the ability to communicate all of that to a talented designer through a brief. The best logos are beautiful, versatile and most importantly, memorable.

Graphic design studio creative logo